Singapore | Sending Requirements FAQs
Due to the recent changes in the requirements for sending messages to Singapore, you may have some questions. We recommend visiting the Frequently Asked Questions section on the SGNIC website for details about the new regulations, costs, and registration requirements.
Here is a brief overview of some additional information:
Is Registration Mandatory?
The Sender ID Registry Regime applies to all organizations sending messages with Sender IDs to Singapore numbers from 30 January 2023. We can’t guarantee the delivery of messages that don’t comply with the registration requirements (including the Letter of Authorization). Refer to our policy for more information.
Can CakraFlash Register a SenderID for me?
The regulations specify that the customers must apply for their registered Sender ID(s). Once you’ve successfully registered your Sender ID(s), you must provide us with a Letter of Authorization and email it to
What is a Letter of Authorization?
An organization may authorize a representative like CakraFlash! to send an SMS with the organization’s registered Sender ID on its behalf. For example, a marketing firm is appointed by an organization to run a marketing campaign for them. To authorize that marketing firm to send such SMS with the registered Sender ID on the organization’s behalf, a Letter of Authorization (LOA) provided by the organization who registered that Sender ID is required. Email to get the LOA template.
Does This Affect International Roaming?
The Sender ID Registry Regime applies to all organizations sending messages with Sender IDs to Singapore numbers from 30 January 2023. After that date, messages containing unregistered Sender ID(s) to Singapore numbers may be blocked.
Which participating aggregator do I need to specify when I register my Sender ID(s)?
You will need to select Sinch Singapore Pte Ltd as the participating aggregator.
What if I want to add more Sender IDs later?
If you decide to register additional Sender IDs, you must send us a revised Letter of Authorization. You can email for the LOA letter.
What Do I Do If I No Longer Need To Send Messages to Singapore?
You have two options:
- Remove Singapore numbers from your contact lists.
- You can contact our support team to block Singapore sending to your account.
Alternatively, you could do nothing – just remember that if you send any messages to Singapore (deliberately or otherwise), your sender ID will be marked as “Likely-SCAM” as a default for a transitional period of six months. After that, it will be blocked altogether, and your messages will not reach their intended recipients.
What happens if I don't do anything?
Suppose you haven’t contacted us to block Singapore, and you attempt to send messages with unregistered SenderIDs to Singapore. In that case, your messages may be blocked, and charges may apply under your Customer Contract. Please refer to our policy for more information.